Our Centre – Golcar Scout and Community Centre
Located in the heart of the village of Golcar, a semi-rural village, 2.5 miles (4km) west of Huddersfield Town Centre. Golcar Scout and Community Centre provides a modern and up-to-date facility for hire to youth groups, community groups, charities and the local community.
After a massive renovation, started in late 2010, the centre provides a large multi-function building consisting of a large hall (The John Ripley Hall), a small hall (The Ken Standley Hall), a modern spacious kitchen, a large dining area, a casual meeting / socialising area for up to 10 people (The Den) and a meeting room suitable for meetings and conferences of up to 15 people (The Gilwell Room).
Building History
Previously known as “Golcar Youth Club”, in late 2010, 4th Huddersfield Golcar Scout Group started to run the building under a management agreement with Kirklees Council. Extensive renovations were started to bring the centre up-to-date, ranging from re-plastering to knocking down and rebuilding walls.
Under the management agreement a Building Committee was formed, consisting of members of the Scout Group, local organisations and local community members.
The centre was renamed to “Golcar Scout and Community Centre” and was officially opened on the 23rd July 2011 by The Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, the late Dr Ingrid Roscoe.
In January 2012, a ten-year lease was signed with Kirklees Council and The Scout Association Trust Corporation (SATC).
In January 2015, we completed an Asset Transfer of the centre from Kirklees Council, securing the centre’s long-term future, for use by the local community. The Scout Association Trust Corporation (SATC) holds the title deads for the centre, but the responsibility for the running of the Centre rests with the Scout Group’s Trustees.
Building Committee
The building committee is a sub-committee of the 4th Huddersfield (Golcar) Scout Group volunteer board of trustees.
If you are interested in volunteering to help support the running of Golcar Scout and Community Centre, please contact us via the Volunteer pages of our website.
Thank you!
We would like to thank all our supporters, charities and businesses who have so kindly made donations, in both time and money, towards our renovations.
We would also like to thank everyone for their continued support with the general upkeep, ongoing renovations and making Golcar Scout and Community centre one of the best community facilities in Golcar.